Thursday 27 September 2007

Good for the British, but not the Venezuelans

The World Bank recently published a report entitled "Doing Business 2008" to work as a "guide for evaluating regulations that directly impact economic growth,
downloading underlying laws, and identifying good practice reforms" per their website, In other words, this is a thorough compilation of data about reforms that take place in each of the selected countries and how these might affect the way they do business.
For the British, it's all good news as the report puts them in the 6th position over all (out of 178 countries). Singapore, New Zealand and the United States come on top as the easiest countries to do business, in first, second and third place respectively.
Venezuela, on the other hand, can be found at the bottom of the pile. Number 172. This means that, during the past year, reforms enacted in Venezuela have negatively impacted trade and business in areas such as employment and trading accross borders. It is the study's general conclusion that Venezuela has taken a step backwards with respect to it's fellow countries.
Amidst the reforms carried out by the Bolivarian government, I guess facilitating small and middle businesses is not a priority.
For more information go to

1 comment:

Pita said...

I couldn´t find Cuba on the list. Maybe after the new reform in december, Venezuela won´t be on the list either.